My focus over the past few months
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My focus over the past few months


I have been thinking about the topics I have been focusing on over the past six months or so. They fall into six areas:

1. Governance and Strategy
- Best practices in governance for charities
- Strategic planning and implementation
- Developing effective policies and procedures
- Board development and engagement

2. Leadership:
- Leadership styles and their impact
- Effective communication and team management
- Crisis management and decision-making
- Interim CEO roles and responsibilities

3. Communication:
- Enhancing internal and external communication strategies
- Stakeholder engagement and management
- Crafting impactful messaging for various audiences
- Utilising digital tools and platforms for better outreach

4. Fundraising and Financial Management:
- Fundraising strategies and donor management
- Financial planning and sustainability for non-profits
- Budgeting and financial oversight
- Grant writing and reporting

5. Operational Efficiency:
- Improving operational processes and workflows
- Technology adoption and digital transformation
- Project management and execution
- Measuring impact and outcomes.

6. Organisational Culture and Change Management:
- Building a positive and inclusive organisational culture
- Navigating change and transformation
- Staff development and capacity building
- Volunteer management and engagement

These themes reflect my work as a charity consultant, where I focus on enhancing their governance, strategy, leadership, and communication to achieve their missions effectively. I would be interested to hear what has been absorbing your focus.

Spotting passive-aggressive behaviours and its impact on effective teams


Passive-aggressive behaviour is a subtle yet detrimental issue that can significantly affect team dynamics and overall workplace productivity. Anyone managing a team or even an individual needs to recognise and address this behaviour promptly to maintain a healthy and efficient work environment. Having had to address this in a number of teams I thought I would explore how to identify passive-aggressive behavior and understand its impact on team effectiveness.

Recognising passive-aggressive behaviour

Passive-aggressive behaviour is characterised by indirect resistance to the demands or requests of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation. Here are some common signs:

  • Procrastination: Deliberately delaying tasks, especially those requested by others, is a hallmark of passive-aggressive behaviour. Employees may claim they "forgot" or "ran out of time."
  • Sarcasm: While humour can be a healthy part of workplace interactions, persistent sarcasm that undermines or belittles others is a red flag.
  • Sullen behaviour: A passive-aggressive individual often exhibits sulking or a bad attitude when asked to contribute or collaborate.
  • Frequent Complaints: Continuous complaining about being treated unfairly or feeling undervalued without seeking solutions indicates passive resistance.
  • Avoidance: Avoiding responsibilities, meetings, or discussions, particularly those involving conflict or accountability, is a common tactic.
  • Subtle Sabotage: Intentionally undermining colleagues' efforts through minor but impactful actions, such as misplacing documents or withholding important information.

Impact on Team Effectiveness

Passive-aggressive behaviour can erode team cohesion and productivity in several ways:

  • Decreased Morale: Team members subjected to passive-aggressive behaviour may feel frustrated, undervalued, and demotivated. This can lead to a toxic work environment where collaboration and morale suffer.
  • Reduced Communication: Effective communication is critical for team success. Passive-aggressive behaviour often leads to misunderstandings, as indirect comments and actions replace clear, open dialogue.
  • Lower Productivity: Procrastination and avoidance behaviours slow down project timelines and reduce overall productivity. Tasks may need to be reassigned or redone, wasting valuable time and resources.
  • Erosion of Trust: Trust is the foundation of a successful team. Passive-aggressive behaviour breeds suspicion and mistrust, making it difficult for team members to rely on each other.
  • Increased Conflict: Although passive-aggressive individuals avoid direct confrontations, their behaviour can provoke conflicts among team members. Unresolved tensions may escalate into more serious disputes.

Addressing passive-aggressive behaviours

To mitigate the negative impact of passive-aggressive behaviour, anyone managing a team should consider the following strategies:

  • Promote Open Communication: Encourage a culture of transparency where team members feel safe expressing their concerns and opinions directly. Regular check-ins and open-door policies can facilitate this.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and deadlines. Ensure that all team members understand what is expected of them and the consequences of not meeting these expectations.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Address passive-aggressive behaviour directly but tactfully. Offer constructive feedback that focuses on specific behaviours and their impact on the team rather than personal attributes.
  • Encourage Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment where teamwork and mutual support are prioritised. Team-building activities and collaborative projects can strengthen relationships and reduce passive-aggressive tendencies.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate effective communication and conflict resolution skills. Show empathy, actively listen, and address issues promptly and fairly.
  • Offer Training and Support: Provide training on communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence. Support employees in developing these skills to manage their behaviour more effectively.

Identifying and addressing passive-aggressive behaviour is crucial for maintaining a productive and harmonious work environment. By recognising the signs and implementing strategies to promote open communication and collaboration, managers can mitigate the negative impact of passive-aggressive behaviour and foster a more effective and cohesive team.

Unlocking the Essence of Social Entrepreneurship


In the dynamic landscape of business, there are entrepreneurs who are driven not solely by profit margins but by a profound sense of social responsibility. So, what exactly defines a social entrepreneur or enterprise? According to the School for Social Entrepreneurs, these visionary individuals or entities operate in an entrepreneurial manner. Yet, their primary aim is to serve the public good rather than amassing wealth.

At their core, social entrepreneurs establish businesses with a distinct social and/or environmental mission delineated in their governing documents. These enterprises thrive on generating revenue through trade while channelling the bulk of their profits back into their altruistic endeavours.

Fostering Innovation: What's Your Big Idea?

The journey of a social entrepreneur starts with a business idea that embodies the essence of social enterprise. What's your big idea? From fostering employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities to revolutionising healthcare accessibility in underprivileged regions, the spectrum of possibilities is boundless. However, the crux lies in aligning these ventures with the fundamental tenets of social entrepreneurship: addressing societal challenges and catalysing social change, transcending the realm of mere profit-making.

While some may already have a specific concept that fits this criterion, others intrigued by social entrepreneurship may find inspiration and support in exploring avenues such as social franchising. Analogous to its commercial counterpart, social franchising entails adopting an existing concept and forging an agreement with the franchisor to replicate the business model, thereby leveraging proven success in the pursuit of social good.

Crafting Your Market Presence

A misconception among social enterprises is the notion that their inherent altruism will suffice as a marketing strategy. However, traditional marketing principles still apply. Your product or service must withstand scrutiny against competitors, necessitating a strategic focus on identifying and engaging the right audience with compelling messaging, which may extend beyond the overt promotion of social impact.

In essence, social entrepreneurship embodies a harmonious fusion of commerce and compassion, transcending conventional paradigms to forge a brighter, more equitable future, one venture at a time.

Setting up a Community Interest Company (CIC)

A CIC is a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. Setting up as a CIC is similar to setting up a limited company. You apply to Companies House. You will need to provide a community interest statement that explains your business plan. You also need to have an asset lock, which is a legal promise that the company’s assets will only be used for its social objectives. It sets limits to the money it can pay shareholders. The last step is approval from the CIC regulator.

The Intrinsic Value of Unpaid Charity Trustees: A Pillar of Integrity, Accountability, and Mission-driven Leadership


In the Third Sector, the role of charity trustees is pivotal, guiding organisations towards their missions and ensuring accountability. One notable aspect of this role is that most charity trustees serve without financial compensation. There is profound significance in unpaid charity trusteeship, manifold benefits in fostering integrity, accountability, and mission-driven leadership. Unpaid trustees uphold the values of altruism, preserve trust and credibility, allocate resources efficiently, promote diversity and inclusivity, inspire volunteerism and community engagement, and contribute to the long-term vision and sustainability. The intrinsic value of unpaid charity trustees underscores their indispensable role in advancing social impact and driving positive change in society.

The philanthropic landscape is replete with organisations dedicated to addressing pressing social, environmental, and humanitarian challenges. At the helm of these organisations are charity trustees, individuals entrusted with the responsibility of governance, strategic direction, and oversight. Central to the concept of charity trusteeship is the notion of service, where individuals volunteer their time, expertise, and passion to advance the mission and objectives of the charities they serve. While some trustees may receive financial compensation for their services, most serve without remuneration, driven by a deep commitment to philanthropy and social good.

The tradition of unpaid charity trusteeship carries profound significance, embodying core principles of integrity, accountability, and mission-driven leadership.

Altruism and Integrity

A profound sense of altruism and integrity lies at the heart of unpaid charity trusteeship. Unlike paid positions where financial incentives may influence decision-making, unpaid trustees are driven solely by their dedication to the organisation's mission and beneficiaries. This alignment of motives ensures that every decision and action taken by trustees is guided by ethical considerations and a genuine commitment to advancing the common good.

Unpaid charity trustees exemplify the highest ideals of service and selflessness, volunteering their time and expertise to make a positive difference in their communities and the world at large. Their willingness to forgo financial compensation underscores their belief in the intrinsic value of philanthropy and society. By serving without expectation of personal gain, unpaid trustees demonstrate a steadfast commitment to upholding the integrity and values of the organisations they represent.

Moreover, the absence of financial compensation for charity trustees reinforces the notion that trusteeship is a privilege rather than a paid position. Those who assume the responsibilities of trusteeship understand the weight of their role and the trust placed in them by donors, stakeholders, and the community. This sense of duty instils a deep sense of responsibility and accountability, motivating trustees to act in the charity's best interests and those it serves.

Preservation of Trust and Credibility

Trust is the foundation upon which charitable organisations build meaningful relationships with donors, stakeholders, and the broader community. The absence of financial compensation for trustees serves as a powerful signal of the organisation's commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical governance. Donors and stakeholders are reassured knowing that the individuals overseeing the charity's affairs do so out of genuine concern for the organisation's mission and beneficiaries.

In an era where public trust in institutions is increasingly fragile, the integrity of charity trusteeship becomes paramount. Trustees demonstrate their unwavering dedication to the organisation's values and objectives by forgoing financial compensation, instilling confidence among donors and stakeholders. This trust dividend is invaluable, as it not only attracts financial support but also fosters long-term partnerships and collaborations that are essential for the organisation's sustainability and impact.

Furthermore, the transparency inherent in unpaid charity trusteeship fosters a culture of openness and accountability. Without the perceived conflicts of interest that can arise from financial incentives, trustees are better positioned to make decisions that align with the charity's mission and serve the public interest. This alignment of interests enhances the organisation's credibility and legitimacy, fostering trust among stakeholders and the broader community.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Effective resource allocation is fundamental to the success and sustainability of charitable organisations. Because individuals volunteer as trustees without payment charities can allocate their resources more efficiently towards their core mission and programs. Funds that would otherwise be earmarked for trustee compensation go to support initiatives, services, and activities that directly benefit the intended recipients, maximising the organisation's impact and effectiveness.

The lean operational model facilitated by unpaid charity trusteeship enables organisations to achieve greater outcomes with fewer resources. Trustees, motivated by a sense of purpose and commitment to the organisation's mission, prioritise investments that yield the greatest social return on investment. Their strategic stewardship ensures that resources are deployed judiciously, minimising waste and maximising the organisation's capacity to address pressing social challenges.
Moreover, the absence of financial compensation encourages trustees to seek innovative solutions to complex problems, leveraging creativity, and resourcefulness to achieve their objectives.

Unencumbered by financial incentives, trustees are free to explore new approaches, partnerships, and collaborations that drive efficiency and effectiveness. This culture of innovation enhances the organisation's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and seize opportunities for growth and impact.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity are essential principles that underpin effective governance and decision-making in charitable organisations. Unpaid trustees bring a wealth of experiences, expertise, and insights that enrich board discussions, enhance strategic planning, and drive innovation. However, the organisation should cover the cost of attending meetings so that people are not excluded because of the cost.

By embracing diversity, organisations can harness the collective wisdom and creativity of individuals from different backgrounds to address complex challenges and seize opportunities for growth and impact. Effective trustee boards promote inclusivity by removing financial barriers that may hinder participation from underrepresented groups. Individuals who may not have the financial means to serve as paid trustees can still contribute their time, talents, and perspectives to the organisation, fostering a culture of belonging and empowerment.

The diversity of thought and experience brought by trustees enhances the organisation's ability to navigate complex issues, anticipate emerging trends, and respond effectively to the needs of its constituents. Moreover, by reflecting the communities they serve, boards are better positioned to build trust, engage stakeholders, and make inclusive and equitable decisions.

Inspiring Volunteerism and Community Engagement

Unpaid charity trusteeship embodies the spirit of volunteerism and community engagement, inspiring individuals to contribute their time, talents, and passion towards a common cause. Serving as a charity trustee is not merely a responsibility but a privilege, an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and to contribute to the greater good. Trustees set an example for others to follow by volunteering their time and expertise, encouraging broader participation in philanthropy and civic engagement.

Unpaid charity trustees' personal commitment and dedication inspire others to get involved and support the organisation's work. Whether through advocacy, fundraising, or volunteer activities, trustees serve as ambassadors for the organisation, engaging with stakeholders and fostering meaningful connections with the community. Their passion and enthusiasm for the organisation's work are contagious, mobilising support, and galvanising action towards shared goals and aspirations. Through their volunteer efforts, trustees cultivate a sense of solidarity and shared purpose, uniting individuals and organisations in pursuit of common objectives.

Trustees play a vital role in nurturing a community engagement and collaboration culture. By actively participating in outreach efforts and community events, trustees strengthen the organisation's ties to its constituents and deepen its impact on the ground. Their presence at community gatherings, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns raises the organisation's profile and fosters meaningful connections with individuals and groups who may benefit from its services.
Furthermore, the volunteerism exemplified by unpaid charity trustees extends beyond their formal governance responsibilities. Many trustees are involved in grassroots initiatives, volunteer projects, and philanthropic endeavours aligning with the organisation's mission. Their willingness to roll up their sleeves and get involved in hands-on activities demonstrates their commitment to making a tangible difference in their communities, inspiring others to do the same.

In essence, unpaid charity trustees serve as catalysts for volunteerism and community engagement, igniting a passion for service and social responsibility among individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Their leadership by example strengthens the organisation's capacity to effect change and nurtures a culture of selflessness that reverberates far beyond its immediate sphere of influence.

Long-term Vision and Sustainability

Sustainability is a cornerstone of effective nonprofit leadership, ensuring that organisations can weather challenges and thrive in the face of uncertainty. Unpaid charity trustees play a vital role in promoting sustainability by adopting a long-term perspective and prioritising investments in organisational capacity and resilience. Rather than focusing solely on short-term objectives or financial gains, trustees are guided by a commitment to stewardship and the enduring impact of the organisation's work.

One key advantage of unpaid trusteeship is the alignment of trustees' interests with the organisation's long-term success and sustainability. Freed from financial incentives, trustees can focus on strategic planning, capacity-building, and succession planning to ensure the organisation's continued viability and relevance. Their dedication to cultivating a strong organisational culture, nurturing talent, and fostering innovation lays the groundwork for sustained growth and impact over time.

Additionally, unpaid charity trustees play a critical role in advocating for policies and practices that promote the long-term sustainability of the not-for-profit sector as a whole. Whether through participation in advocacy campaigns, engagement with policymakers, or collaboration with other organisations, trustees leverage their influence to shape a regulatory and funding environment that supports the growth and resilience of charitable organisations.

Essentially, unpaid charity trustees are custodians of the organisation's mission and values, entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring its continued impact and relevance for future generations. By embracing a long-term vision and prioritising sustainability, trustees lay the foundation for enduring success and social change, leaving a lasting legacy of service and impact in their wake.


In conclusion, the tradition of unpaid charity trusteeship embodies the highest ideals of altruism, integrity, and commitment to the common good. Through their voluntary service, unpaid trustees uphold the values of transparency, accountability, and mission-driven leadership that are essential for the success and sustainability of charitable organisations. By forgoing financial compensation, trustees demonstrate their unwavering dedication to the organisation's mission and the communities it serves, inspiring others to join them in the pursuit of social impact and positive change.

The intrinsic value of unpaid charity trusteeship lies in its tangible contributions to governance, resource allocation, and community engagement and its symbolic significance as a beacon of ethical leadership and philanthropic spirit. In a world where trust in institutions is increasingly scarce, unpaid charity trustees serve as beacons of integrity and accountability, fostering trust, credibility, and confidence among donors, stakeholders, and the broader community.

As stewards of organisational governance and mission-driven leadership, unpaid charity trustees play a vital role in shaping the future of philanthropy and social change. Their selfless dedication, unwavering commitment, and tireless advocacy for the common good exemplify the transformative power of volunteerism and the enduring legacy of service. In honouring the contributions of unpaid charity trustees, we celebrate their individual dedication and the collective impact of their efforts in building a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all.

How to improve your annual report - Charity Digital


When Denise Atkins asked me about annual reports, I was happy to share some of my thoughts on how charities, particularly small and under-resourced ones, can make the most of the opportunity the reports give to engage with multiple audiences on multiple occasions.

Here is the article she wrote for Charity Digital.

We look at some tips and tricks to help charities create the best possible annual reports

The trustees’ annual report (TAR) is an important task for any charity. On the one hand it’s an essential ‘hygiene factor’. On the other hand, it’s a valuable piece of marketing collateral.

With a job as daunting as an annual report, it can be tempting to do it how you’ve always done it. But there’s always value in stepping back to think about doing things differently.

Understanding the basics

Unless you’re exempt, you’ll need to prepare a TAR. If you are a registered charitable company, you’ll also need to submit a director’s report.

The detail needed in your TAR varies, depending on the size of your charity. Charities with income and assets over a certain threshold must have their financial accounts audited. Find out what you need to do on GOV.UK.

The statutory information normally forms the back section of the TAR, which can be fairly basic in terms of design.

Planning the glossy section

The front pages of the TAR are often called the glossy section, although fewer charities now produce printed reports. Here you can use your brand messaging and visual identity to their full potential and get more creative.

You can tell the story of your year and tell the world about your impact.

Smaller charities don’t need to share as much detail as larger organisations. That said, it’s worth doing a thorough job. A great annual report can have even more value when you’re less well-known. It’s a wonderful way to inspire and reassure your stakeholders.

D’Arcy Myers is an experienced charity consultant and interim CEO. He told Charity Digital: "You have a duty of care to be the most efficient [organisation] you can be because your stakeholders are trusting you to spend your funds wisely, to deliver what you set out to do, and to have an impact.

"With a good annual report, you can show how you’ve risen to the challenges, both good and bad, and paint a picture of the difference you’ve made."

Making your report work harder

Your annual report doesn’t need to be a one-shot deal, to be published on your website and never looked at again.

Your success stories, photos, and infographics can all be repurposed. They can provide material for your newsletter and social media for months to come. As D’Arcy explained, “If you do your annual report well, you’ll have a wealth of material you can repurpose and use in your comms all year round.”

But one potential barrier to making the best use of all this material is timing.

Thinking about timing

It can take months to get the financial signed off by auditors and trustees. Some content may have lost its relevance by the time you publish, so this protracted timeline can take some of the shine off your successes.

One possible solution is to separate the statutory reporting from the glossy section. You can publish a separate ‘impact report’ much earlier than your audited accounts. This way you can give your successes the fanfare they deserve.

If you take this route, you can prepare your impact report much sooner. There would likely be some repetition across the two documents, but your Annual Report can be more stripped back, purely for compliance, to meet the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP).

We spoke to Kunal Mistry at Buzzacott, an accountancy firm that works with not-for-profit organisations. He explained, “You can publish a glossy impact report separately to the financials, if there’s no reference to being audited. For consistency with the ultimately audited numbers and annual report, you would probably want to hold back any financial data until you have your audited numbers. But a separate impact report can be useful for stakeholders, and is a timely way to celebrate your work.”

Thinking about audience

For your glossy impact report, consider who the document is for – beyond the statutory stuff for the Charity Commission. This is your chance to share the impact you’re making.

You might aim to:

  • Reassure funders and donors that you’re spending their money wisely
  • Appeal to new staff or volunteers by showing what life is like at the charity, and the difference you’re making
  • Encourage collaboration with other organisations, researchers, policymakers, or the media
  • Speak directly to your service users or beneficiaries
  • Thank people for their part in your success

Think who you most want to reach and what will interest them. Also consider what you need them to do afterwards and leave them with a strong call to action.

Telling compelling stories

For most people, nothing beats a great story. Big numbers and stats are great, but the stories you tell will really bring your report to life.

Capture some compelling stories, especially the voices and lived experiences of the people you support. They’ll have impact for readers, even if they need to be anonymised to protect the individual. One great example is Save the Children, whose annual report opens with the voices of young people. They feature a Somali child, and members of the charity’s UK Youth Advisory Board.

You can also show what life is like for your staff, trustees, or volunteers. For some charities it may be important to talk about the partnerships you’ve formed and the research you support.

Making it accessible

Sharing information in a PDF is no longer best practice, so look at other ways to present your annual report. At the very least, make any PDFs accessible or share a well-formatted Word document to help people using screen readers.

A digital-first approach to the glossy section is ideal. Macmillan’s annual report has an excellent landing page, where key impacts are summarised and infographics are also explained as text. There are plain text options available and a video summary in BSL.

Explore different ways to do an annual report and check out six impact reports to inspire you. There’s also a great case study for SeeAbility on CharityComms.

The Crucial Role of Sound Charity Governance in Fundraising Success


For most charities, effective fundraising is the lifeblood that enables them to fulfil their missions and make a positive impact on society. However, successful fundraising is not merely about implementing appealing campaigns or leveraging the latest marketing strategies; it is deeply intertwined with the foundations of sound charity governance. Governance plays a pivotal role in fundraising efforts and contributes to the overall success of charitable endeavours.

Building Trust and Credibility:
Sound charity governance is the bedrock upon which trust and credibility are established. Donors, whether individuals, corporations, or foundations, want assurance that their contributions will be used responsibly and ethically. A well-governed charity inspires confidence, assuring donors that their funds will be utilised effectively to address charitable objective. Transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making are key elements that foster trust and credibility in the eyes of potential donors.

Strategic Decision-Making:
Effective governance involves strategic decision-making at the board level. A well-structured board, with diverse expertise and a deep understanding of the mission, can guide fundraising efforts with a strategic focus. This includes identifying the most viable fundraising opportunities, allocating resources efficiently, and adapting to changing circumstances. Strategic decision-making enables charities to maximise their fundraising potential and respond proactively to challenges.

Aligning Mission and Fundraising Goals:
The alignment of fundraising goals with the overall mission of the charity is fundamental to success. A board that is firmly committed to the organisation's mission will guide fundraising efforts in a way that reinforces and advances that mission. This alignment not only ensures that the funds raised contribute directly to the intended impact but also creates a compelling narrative that resonates with donors, making them more likely to support the cause.

Compliance and Risk Management:
Governance involves ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks, which is crucial for fundraising success. Charities must navigate complex legal landscapes, and a failure to comply can lead to reputational damage and legal consequences. A well-governed charity establishes robust compliance and risk management frameworks, providing assurance to donors and supporters that their contributions are handled responsibly and ethically.

Effective Communication and Relationship Building:
Communication is a cornerstone of successful fundraising, and effective governance facilitates clear and consistent communication both internally and externally. A board that values open communication channels within the charity and with external stakeholders can build stronger relationships with donors. Regular updates, transparent reporting, and a clear articulation of the impact achieved through fundraising efforts contribute to donor satisfaction and loyalty.

In the dynamic world of charitable fundraising, the role of sound charity governance cannot be overstated. It forms the foundation upon which trust, credibility, and strategic decision-making are built. Understanding and advocating for robust governance practices will not only enhance the fundraising capabilities of the organisation you work with but also contribute to their long-term success in creating positive change.


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on

Creating Effective Board Meeting Minutes for Charity Trustee Boards


Effective board meeting minutes are an essential tool for charity trustee boards. These documents not only serve as a record of the board's decisions and discussions but also play a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and legal compliance.

When done correctly, board meeting minutes can be a valuable resource for trustees, staff, donors, and regulators. I have seen some wonderful and woeful examples. Being a good minute-taker takes practice. So what should good board meeting minutes include?

Meeting Details
Every set of board meeting minutes should begin with basic meeting details, such as:

  • Date and time of the meeting.
  • Location or virtual platform used for the meeting.
  • Names of the chairperson, secretary or other offices, and attendees present.

This section helps establish a clear timeline and context for the meeting's proceedings.

Approval of Previous Minutes
The minutes should include a section where the previous meeting's minutes are approved. This demonstrates that the board is committed to reviewing and endorsing past decisions, fostering accountability, and maintaining continuity.

The minutes should include a summary of the meeting agenda. This section provides an outline of the topics and items discussed during the meeting. It helps readers quickly identify the issues addressed, making the document more accessible.

Discussion and Decisions
The core of board meeting minutes should encompass a detailed record of discussions and decisions. Key elements to include are:

  • Summary of discussions: Briefly outline the key points raised during the meeting. This should not be verbatim but capture the essence of the conversation.
  • Resolutions and decisions: Clearly state any resolutions, motions, or decisions made during the meeting. Include who proposed, seconded, and the outcome of each vote. Note if any decisions were deferred to a later date.

This section should be comprehensive enough for stakeholders to understand the rationale behind decisions.

Action Items
List any action items assigned during the meeting. Clearly state who is responsible for each task, the due date, and any specific requirements or expectations. This section ensures that follow-up actions are documented and that accountability is maintained.

Reports and Updates
Summarise reports presented during the meeting. This can include financial reports, reports from committees, or updates from staff members. These reports provide context for the decisions made during the meeting.

Guest Speakers and Presentations
If the board had guest speakers or presentations, briefly summarise the main points or topics covered. Include the names of the speakers and any key takeaways that are relevant to the board's activities.

Any Other Business
Include any other business that may have been discussed or raised during the meeting. This section allows for the recording of unexpected or impromptu discussions that occurred. However, personally I am not keen on this section and like topics to be tabled in advance so everyone has a chance to consider the item.

Conclude the minutes by stating the time of adjournment and any plans for future meetings.

The minutes should be signed by the appropriate person, such as the chairperson or secretary, to confirm their accuracy and completeness.

Well-structured board meeting minutes are an invaluable resource for charity trustee boards. They serve as a historical record of decisions and discussions, providing transparency, accountability, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By including meeting details, agenda, discussion and decisions, action items, reports, and other relevant information, charity trustee boards can create effective and informative minutes that contribute to the success and sustainability of their organisations. Good minutes not only aid in internal decision-making but also demonstrate responsible governance to stakeholders and regulatory bodies.


Photo by Hannah Olinger on unsplash

Understanding the Role of a Charity Trustee: A Guide for Charity Staff



Charities play a vital role in addressing a wide range of social, environmental, and humanitarian issues. Behind the scenes, dedicated individuals, known as charity trustees, are instrumental in guiding and overseeing these organisations. In this article, we will explore the important role of a charity trustee and how their responsibilities affect the work of charity staff.

What is a Charity Trustee?

A charity trustee is a volunteer who serves as a member of a charity's board of trustees, sometimes also called a board of directors. These individuals are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the charity fulfils its mission and operates in the best interests of its beneficiaries. Charity trustees are the governing body of the charity, responsible for its overall management and decision-making.

Key Responsibilities of a Charity Trustee

Governance and Strategy: Charity trustees are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the charity. They establish goals, objectives, and policies to help the organisation achieve its mission. This involves making important decisions that impact the charity's operations.

Financial Oversight: Charity trustees oversee the charity's financial health. They ensure that the organisation manages its resources effectively, adheres to budgetary constraints, and complies with financial regulations.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the charity adheres to all legal and regulatory requirements. This includes reporting to government agencies, maintaining transparency, and ensuring the charity operates within the boundaries of its charitable objectives.

Risk Management: Charity trustees assess and manage risks that the charity may encounter. They must identify potential challenges and develop strategies to mitigate them, ensuring the organisation's long-term sustainability.

Fundraising and Resource Allocation: Trustees often play a key role in fundraising efforts. They may assist in identifying potential donors, securing grants, and allocating resources to various projects and programs.

How Charity Trustees Impact Charity Staff

Guidance and Support: Charity trustees provide staff with strategic direction and guidance. They help staff understand the charity's long-term goals and how they fit into the organisation's mission.

Financial Security: By overseeing the charity's financial health, trustees ensure that staff members receive their salaries and resources for their work. They also make decisions that impact the availability of funds for different programs and initiatives.

Legal and Ethical Framework: Charity trustees help staff navigate legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring that the charity operates ethically and within the law. This protects staff from potential legal issues.

Risk Management: Trustees' risk management efforts help protect the jobs and well-being of charity staff. By identifying and mitigating risks, they ensure stability and the security of staff positions.

Resource Allocation: The decisions made by charity trustees impact how resources are allocated to different projects and departments within the charity. Staff may need to work within budget constraints and manage resources effectively.

In conclusion, charity trustees play a crucial role in ensuring the success and sustainability of charitable organisations. Their responsibilities extend beyond the boardroom, directly impacting the work of charity staff. By understanding the role of trustees and working collaboratively, staff and trustees can collectively contribute to achieving the charity's mission and creating a positive impact on society.


Photo by Memento Media on unsplash

The Dangers of Not Putting Theory into Practice


Theory is the foundation of knowledge. It provides a framework for understanding the world around us and solving problems. However, theory is only useful if it is put into practice. When we fail to put theory into practice, we miss out on its many benefits.

Here are some of the dangers of not putting theory into practice:

  • We may make poor decisions. When we don't understand the underlying principles, we are more likely to make mistakes. This can lead to bad decisions that can have negative consequences.
  • We may miss opportunities. Theory can help us to identify new opportunities and to develop creative solutions to problems. We may miss out on these opportunities if we don't put theory into practice.
  • We may become stagnant. Theory can help us stay updated on the latest trends and developments. If we don't keep learning, we may become stagnant and out of touch with the world around us.
  • We may lose credibility. When we fail to put theory into practice, it can make us appear to be incompetent or unqualified. This can damage our credibility and make it difficult to achieve our goals.

The dangers of not putting theory into practice are real. If we want to be successful in our personal and professional lives, we need to make sure that we are putting theory into practice.

Some tips for putting theory into practice:

  • Develop a Theory of Change for your charity – more later in this article.
  • Find opportunities to experiment with new ideas.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Be open to feedback from others.
  • Be persistent and keep learning.

By following these tips, you can avoid the dangers of not putting theory into practice and you can achieve your full potential.

It is important to remember that theory is just a starting point. It is through practice that we truly learn and grow. So don't be afraid to put your theories into practice. You may be surprised at what you can achieve.

One of the most practical ways I have seen of turning theory into practice is using the Theory of change.

Theory of Change

A theory of change (ToC) is a description of how a charity or initiative expects to achieve its goals. It is a way of thinking about the causal linkages between activities and its desired outcomes and impacts.

A ToC typically includes the following elements:

  • Long-term goals: What are the charity’s ultimate goals?
  • Intermediate outcomes: What are the specific changes that need to happen in order to achieve the long-term goals?
  • Activities: What specific things will the charity do to achieve the intermediate outcomes?
  • Assumptions: What assumptions is the charity making about how change will happen?

A ToC can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Planning: A ToC can help the charity to plan its activities and interventions in a way that is more likely to be successful.
  • Evaluation: A ToC can be used to evaluate the impact of the charity's work.
  • Communication: A ToC can be used to communicate the charity's goals and strategies to its stakeholders.

How to Develop a Theory of Change

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing a ToC. However, some general steps can be followed:

  1. Start with the long-term goals. What are the charity's ultimate goals? These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.
  2. Identify the intermediate outcomes. What are the specific changes that need to happen in order to achieve the long-term goals? These outcomes should be measurable and achievable.
  3. Identify the activities. What specific things will the charity do to achieve the intermediate outcomes? These activities should be feasible and aligned with the charity's resources and capacity.
  4. Identify the assumptions. What assumptions does the charity make about how change will happen? These assumptions should be made explicit and tested over time.
  5. Revise and update the ToC as needed. The ToC should be a living document that is revised and updated as the charity learns more about how to achieve its goals.

Benefits of Using a Theory of Change

In summary, there are many benefits to using a ToC, including:

  • Improved planning: A ToC can help a charity to plan its activities and interventions in a way that is more likely to be successful.
  • More effective evaluation: A ToC can be used to evaluate the impact of a charity's work.
  • Clearer communication: A ToC can be used to communicate the charity's goals and strategies to its stakeholders.
  • Increased accountability: A ToC can help a charity to be more accountable for its results.
  • Greater learning: A ToC can help a charity to learn from its experiences and improve its work over time.

A theory of change is a valuable tool for any charity and initiatives that are working to achieve social change. By understanding how change happens, the charity can be more strategic in its planning and interventions and more effective in achieving its goals.

Photo by Sunder Muthukumaran on unsplash.

Maximising the Value of an Interim Leader


During times of organisational transition, interim leadership plays a pivotal role in maintaining continuity, driving change, and achieving goals. To fully leverage the potential of interim leaders and optimise outcomes, it is essential to understand how to maximise their value.

I was delighted to join Prospectus at their breakfast webinar: ‘Maximising the Value of an Interim Leader’, where Elizabeth Balgobin and I shared our insights and strategies.

Hosted by Linda Griffiths, Director of Executive Search (UK) at Prospectus, the conversation provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and best practices associated with engaging interim leaders, how to position yourself effectively as a candidate for interim leadership roles, as well as covering practical considerations such as how to use your time in between roles, and annual leave and pension implications.