Leadership and Communication
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Leadership and Communication


Communication, like charity, must begin at home.

All communication should flow uninterrupted around a charity, like blood through the body. If the flow is blocked, damage soon occurs. CEOs today must lead through more personal and direct communication to harness both internal and external support and turn their vision into reality.

I think it is necessary to radically rethink how a CEO educates and enthuses their team, trustees, volunteers and supporters with their vision. As a CEO, or in my case and Interim CEO, I need to remember that leaders empower their followers, that every one of my team is an ambassador. I need to also be aware that my reputation can make or break the reputation of the charity and that there is usually a gap between perceptions and reality!

This all revolves around the basic belief that companies must put their people, not their customers, first. Leadership is doing the right things and management is doing things right!

For me leadership is about impact and impact can only be achieved by communicating effectively and by presenting a positive image.

In my view good communication is about;

  • Shaping and influencing opinion
  • Sharing information and views
  • Inspiring and re-assuring
  • Being honest and transparent
  • Building trust and co-operation
  • Listening, listening and listening…