Supporting people who work in the Charity Sector.
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Supporting people who work in the Charity Sector.


We are all disappointed by yet another lockdown but with the role out of the vaccine, there is hope for a better 2021.

However, for many people, there have been devastating changes.

Working in the charity sector I have seen the impact the pandemic has had on both the people who depend on the support of charities and the wonderful people who work in those charities.

During the first lockdown, I set up a CIC ( Third Sector Worker Coalition ) to help people who work or have worked in the charity sector. The initial approach is to offer support and guidance with financial assistance to follow.

I am asking for your help to bring this support to the people who need it.

If you can volunteer time to help develop the CIC or to be a friend on the end of the line that would be great.

Of course, a little help with the cost would be great too.

Please share this with as many people as possible.

Thank you.
