
A great way to start the week. I have just received the following: “D’Arcy takes a sympathetic approach. He gave me time to explain things, asked helpful questions, and helped me to establish a clearer perspective on my role within the organisation. In addition to being a superb listener, it is obvious that D’Arcy is highly experienced and knowledgeable in his...

Pay What You Want Mentoring
Pay What You Want Mentoring allows you to put a value on what you gained from the mentoring session. The Covid-19 crisis is worrying for us all both in our personal and work lives. So, every month I am offering a limited number of Pay What You Want Mentoring sessions. If you would like to take advantage of this special offer...

ACO Coronavirus Delivering Support
Today ACO has published a new guide to giving financial support to individuals during the COVID-19 crisis 'Coronavirus: delivering financial support.' The guide helps organisations looking to set up new funds to provide financial grants to individuals adversely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak by outlining the key considerations and minimum requirements for establishing grant-making operations to support individuals. Donal Watkin, Chief Executive...

Plan for recovery now.
You are invited to a virtual meeting of minds to share ideas and ask for advice on how to plan for your charity's recovery post lockdown. This meeting is intended for Trustees and CEOs of small to medium-sized charities who would like to; sense check their ideas around charity recovery hear from other people in the same position be challenged and supported Book...

Code of Conduct for a virtual meeting
As we move to hold more meetings, it is helpful to have some guidelines for attending and chairing virtual meetings to ensure that these are productive and that everyone feels that they are able to participate and input into the items for discussion so that clear communication and outcomes will be achieved. The same levels of courtesy should be...

Successful remote team working.
Working remotely was once seen as a “perk” however, with the current crisis we are finding it a necessity. Although there are benefits to remote working being thrown into has some additional challenges. For those managing and caring for a team the question of how to keep them engaged and aligned with your charitable efforts is forefront. Here are four tips...

Don’t get overwhelmed by the current crisis have a management strategy
12 Steps to support and lead your charity The Coronavirus pandemic is a crisis for us all, not least small charities. The challenge is how do you keep your charity on track when it feels like all of the focus is on the virus. Having a crisis management strategy that is simple and effective will reassure everyone that action is being...

How you can use remote working tools to improve your productivity wherever you are.
This great blog by Ed Gould of CarswellGould is timely and very helpful for all of us faced with teams remote working during the Covid-19 outbreak. Good client-agency relationships benefit from a mutual value of efficiency, clarity and communication. At our marketing communications agency, we work with people from all over the world and partner a multitude of...